Monday, August 16, 2010

She had long closed her doors to love and companionship,
Hidden the scars of an ancient battle,
Murmured half-sung lullabies to the wind,
Stifled the last wisps of talent in her bosom,
Fought with all her mighty strength,
Watched helplessly as the sands of time trickled away,
Danced in the shadows of moonlight,
Grasped the strands of fleeting destiny,
Lead the ocean into a chaotic trance
Crushed faith's angels in the palm of her hand,
Clutched the cloak of decrepitude in silent agony,
Breached the secret pact,
Convened a midnight tryst in the middle of a graveyard,
Rummaged crazily into the alleys of a mysterious past,
Ransacked each and every memory which dared resurface,
Hated her pitiful self to near loathing,
Loved until it bordered insanity,
Painted a canvas streaked in blood,
Played hide-and-seek with her alter ego,
Diverted the pangs of envy with vociferous anger.

Such dangerous games she played
Such sordid dreams she nurtured
Such passions she hid in her veil
Such madness she concealed in her lap.

But they only remember the bad things
Only one side of the story had been recorded
They curse her shadow and chased her away with stones
They have no recollection of what she used to be
They cannot even trust themselves to go back in time
She is Evil, she fell from Grace, and she is not Human
Hush, don’t let us be fooled by legends…
How can she have been an Empress, a Queen, a Goddess even?

She used to be a beautiful child, a prim lady and a gorgeous woman.
She used to be a sister, a friend and a lover.
Do you recall her contagious laughter ringing in the valleys?
Do you recall her buoyancy rippling into euphoria?
Do you recall her energy, her wisdom and her boundless love?

I do.

She had been long accustomed to basking in the Lord’s glory
Smiled a thousand smiles and grinned a million grins
Tied her shiny hair into a playful ponytail
Caressed the frivolous reeds watching over the river bank
Felt the first beam of sunlight on her burning skin
Tasted the pellets of rain in summer’s afternoon heat
Worn her cheerfulness like a prized possession
Revelled in the majesty of sunrise
Somersaulted in the quiet reverence of sunset
Smelled the newly blossomed roses in mid-Spring
Pranced around Summer’s ever-wakeful fits of delight
Exchanged Autumn’s threat with spoonfuls of positivity
Calmed down Winter’s arrogance with a shower of flamboyant rainbows
Wallowed in destiny’s grander plans
Tiptoed good-naturedly into fate’s overwhelming embrace
Respected the elders and dutifully bowed down to tradition
Acculturated her People to Music, Art and Poetry
Protected the yield from annihilation by her sole fragrance and abundance
Recycled faith at the altar of Love
Vanquished hatred from each and every heart
Renewed the fire of Communion and sung the anthem of Renewal.

I remember her now, in all her Glory and Magnificence
She was a Mother to me
And I found solace in her arms
Today, you may have shun her
But she does not need your alms
She will always shine in all her Splendour
She is the Light Within and Without.

++I've been uninspired for a good while now. This is my attempt at breaking the torpor-filled cycle. I hope you like this piece, although it's very mushy and a tad too 'Manichean'.++

Krishnee Appadoo © 24.02.10

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